速報APP / 攝影 / BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Hoa Minh - Lien Chieu - Da Nang

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover(圖1)-速報App

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover!

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover(圖2)-速報App

BestieCam is a simple but powerful photo editor, beauty makeover with auto beauty retouch, changing face shape, make leg taller and many amazing filters !

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover(圖3)-速報App

A very comprehensive photo editor and pretty much everything you could ever want to do on your phone!

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover(圖4)-速報App

Totally intelligent! Just snap and see your photo get perfectly beautiful like magic, no extra editing needed.

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover(圖5)-速報App

There are a lot of high quality beauty filters, effects and magical scenes.

BestieCam - Selfie Beauty Makeover(圖6)-速報App

Thank you very much for your interesting. Any questions or comments, please send the email support to yubitusoft@gmail.com.

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Best regards

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